Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Life tips

Today, I'm writing a general inspiring blog. I just finished my school session and it feels awesome! I was cleaning out my stuff and I found a list I had written before. I thought I would share it, and bring some happiness!

Here it goes:

  • Firstly, say what you mean.
    • What does this mean? It means telling the truth. All the time. If you lie, you'll have to try to forget. But if you can't lie, if whenever you lie you have a bad feeling inside, that might mean you have a conscience and a heart :).
  • Don't regret
    • If you regret, remember the lesson learned. Don't linger on the rest, it's unnecessary and part of an abstract entity named "the past". 
    • Surprisingly enough, those little thoughts will go away if you face them. 
  • Face your past
    • Don't hide what you feel. If you feel close to someone, tell them something, such as "I thought about you today", or "I had lots of fun with you the other night". If you feel bad for something, say "I know it's kind of nowhere, but I really wanted to apologize for what I said/done the other night..." 
      • It doesn't show weakness, it shows courage, affirmation and truthfulness. Beautiful.
  • Live the moment
    • This mean, don't regret again - don't linger in the past. The only moment you have is now. Right now, and you are now reading a blog (just kidding, it's good for you). But every day, live in the moment, don't let your thoughts linger elsewhere than here, right now, right here. Cherish the present moment. 
  • Don't live with "hanging there" feelings
    • Know that all things must pass, don't freak and worry about will happen when it's over. What is happening is happening now and be happy for it. When you'll think about it later, you'll know you enjoyed it. Feelings that make you have fear will make you feel bad, it's remorse against oneself. Just enjoy you have now, don't worry and be happy.
  • Have faith
    • Don't be impatient, don't rush things too fast, don't think nothing good will happen to you - cause good things will happen. However, when it will come, you won't see it until it has happened. Have faith in what you want. "Now be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it" -Pussy Cat Dolls (haha)

Well that was it. I need to go pack! But thanks for reading me! 

I wish you a very good day and may all your moments be filled with happiness and love. 


Friday, December 16, 2011

How to go from "friends" to "more than friends"

Sooo you've realized one of your high school friend might be a prospect. Or that one of your co-workers has given you more butterflies than you thought he would. Or even that one of your friend you met in college is making your heart melt. What do you do?

Think about it
First things first, before you jump to the next step, you need to make sure that that's what you want. How long have you been feeling this way? A day? Maybe that's just a fling. A week? Getting there. A month? Seems serious. More than a few months? This is probably sincere.

You want to make sure of your own feelings. When you really have feelings for someone, you think about them often, you want to spend time with them, you listen to music that makes you think of them, you want to talk to them. That person becomes special for you. And you want to tell them.

Also, think about what initiated that doubt. Did they tell you something such as they thought about you, that you're important to them, or did they started acting very friendly/sweet with you? Or is it just because you want to have a relationship and they would seem like a great person to be with? Because if you want the guy, you have to not expect a relationship out of it. You have to think about their own good, and yours. They make you happy, and you can make him happy. Is it going that way? Do you wish only his happiness? If you do, this seems sincere.

Admit your love to yourself
After you're sure of your own feelings, admit how intense it is. Is it love or just "very likeable" feelings? You'll say "But I don't want to say the L word to myself because I'm scared", or because love is a big word. Girl, love is everywhere, it's the feeling you share for your friends, for your teammates, for your family, the difference is only the intensity. When you're "in love" with someone, you just love them intensely, and romantically.

So admit it, admit you're in love with him. "Okay, I love him. I think about him all the time, I want his own good, I love his traits, I love X about him, etc." This is what you need to think. Admit to yourself that he's the one you're thinking of. Admit that you're scared of it, it's normal to be scared of your own feelings! Once you admit you're scared of it, you'll be less scared of it. You'll be hopeful. Have faith!

Keep contact with him
Don't ignore him. This is important. Guys are not really good in the department of love, and they can be confused by the signs you give him. This is where it is important to be sincere and truthful. Don't give him mixed signals. If he says "I thought about you today when I heard a song of X", don't say "Awww you're so cute", tell him "I thought about you too today" - so much straightforward and true. You can say the aww you're cute thing, but make sure you tell him you appreciate that he thought about you cause you think about him too. He can't figure this out on his own.

Also, you're a woman. Trust me, you can probably have any guy you want with the good effort. But you want to concentrate your energy on the ones that are important. So right now, there is this guy, so you give your energy to this guy. Chances are, he already has feelings for you, but he's not working on them because he doesn't think that it's going somewhere. Once you show him that it could go somewhere, you have him. But take it easy and take it slow. Make him realize he likes you.

So how do we keep contact? Try to meet when you can, tell him you'd like to grab coffee. If he lives far from you, tell him you'd like to see him next time he's in town, or ask him if he'd like you to go see him. Text him (but not constantly! Give him a break, and let him text you too - keep the chemistry there.)

You don't want to give yourself all away, but you want to make sure that he knows you want him in his life. You don't need to say that straight away, but at first you need to give him positive signals. He'll love knowing that you want to talk to him, that you thought of him or that you're thinking of him, that you'd like to see him.

After continuous contact, it's time to do the big move
Yes, the big move. The L word. And I mean long contact, it's clear that you guys have been talking "romantically" for a while and that you could say that he's into you.

Guys are scared of the L word, so are we. We want the guy to say it first, because that's how it "should be". Well screw society standards, if you think it's time, why not? After a while, relationships can go in an ambiguous state where you're not sure where you stand, and that will make your system go wild. By system, I'm meaning your head and your heart. Your head will say "This is not going anywhere, and I don't want to hurt myself." and your heart will say "I LOVE HIM".  After a while, this feeling will kill you. It's time you tell him the truth, the entire truth.

Sometimes, he'll even bring it up first before you! You're lucky! But there is so much pressure put on this word that people will avoid it. But that's where you will be different, courageous, and beautiful. Have confidence.

Before doing the confession, first you need to set yourself in a mind state: are you ready for a "no" answer? Are you in an "all or nothing" attitude? Do you have expectations? Don't expect anything, you're doing this for you, you, and only you. This is where it makes the difference, when you know that this could kill you, it won't. When you know that you're strong enough to make a confession of that type, you gain confidence.

The confession point
Now, there is no going back. Once you made up your mind about telling him, you'll always feel something is missing if you don't. So let's go. Bring him for a walk, or before he drops you home, tell him you have something to say. Don't text him "I have something to tell you, let's meet", or he'll expect something. Don't put more pressure on it that there is now, just do it when you two are together in a place where you know you can leave anytime.

When you're there, you want to tell him everything. I do mean everything, tell him how those feelings started, how you realized you loved him, why you love him. And tell him that you don't expect him to say it back, that you respect his decision, that you only want him to be happy with his own life and that if he's happier not loving you, you respect it. But that he touched your heart like few others did and that he has a place in your heart. You can end by saying "So to conclude, (name), I love you." But don't stand there expecting an answer, cause you're not expecting one back right? So just say like "Well I'm gonna go now..." If he wants to say it back, trust me he will. If he doesn't do anything, well you know where you stand. But hell, you got this off your chest! It's done! You're free. Time to move on, or time to enjoy your new formerly made relationship (or reciprocal love).

Being sincere is so much more powerful than anything. You will feel much less weight in your heart, and your mind will be clear: "Well I did what I could, and if he didn't like me all the time we were together, so whatever, let's move on" - or "Well I did what I could, and I'm proud of myself. And he loves me back! Yay!"

Whatever happens, you are stronger than most of the population. Few fellows can do this type of thing, but you did! You're amazing. Don't forget it. The guy has so much more respect for you. If he doesn't, and laughs at you, he's a jerk, that's all. You're still a beautiful human being. But no man would laugh at a woman saying something like that to him, a man would gain a lot of respect for a woman that sincere.

So to go from "friends" to "more than friends", if you want it, go and get it. You're a woman for Christ sake, you can do anything. I know you can do it.

Never forget that the fact you can feel love, and share love is a gift of God. Don't be afraid to share those feelings! They are there to be shared. Happiness is only real when shared.

"Say what you want to say, because the people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind" - Dr. Seuss

On an ending note, thanks for reading me! I hope you enjoyed! I wish you only the best! May your days b be filled with laughter and love!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bad haircuts and bad waxing - don't let it ruin your life

Getting your look destroyed by professionals 

Monday, I went to the salon to get a haircut and my eyebrows done. I was planning on getting some nice heavy bangs, and just reshape my eyebrows a bit. Well, the hairstylist cut my bangs way too short on one side. You know there's always kind of one side of your face you like less than the other? Well on that one. I was so pissed! And this is right before the holidays.

Plus, the woman who usually does my eyebrows wasn't there so they gave me someone else. I told myself "whatever", and I told her I trusted her. Well I really shouldn't have! She over waxed my eyebrows. I had really thick eyebrows and now they are very thin, plus they are very apart. It makes me want to cry every time I look in the mirror.

Well I had a very bad day on that day. I was mad for the rest of the day and felt like nothing could make it better. And at night, before going to bed, I looked at myself and I cried, like a big baby! I don't remember the last time I actually cried before that. I didn't respond to texts because I was too pissed. I knew I wasn't myself, but I just couldn't cope with the world for those moments.

Coping with it 

Now, I woke up today, and felt like shit when I saw myself in the mirror again, but then, I laughed. I said: "Well, whatever, I mean, what can I do?" Seriously, what can I do except being mad about it? And I don't want to be mad, I love life! So I decided to cope with it.

I just started to see the positive things in it:

  • My bangs will grow, I'll massage my scalp everyday. 
  • I'll hide it, I'll wear a hat everyday. Hats are cute and they fit well with my bangs! 
  • My bangs can hide my eyebrows until they grow out.
Plus, talking about it to someone makes it so much better. My guy friend (the one I like very very much) texted me "Hey :), how are you?" and he saw by my tone that I wasn't well, so I explained to him that I wasn't so happy since i got out of that salon. But he made me laugh, and that brightened my day. 

What to learn from bad haircuts and bad waxing 
  1. First of all, don't let it ruin your life. You'll just be insecure for your look for a couple of days (or weeks, ughhh), but that again is only a possibility.
  2. Don't think about what you used to look like before too much. Think about your new look and how you can make it better.
  3. It's not the end of the world. It happens to everyone. You were just unlucky for once.
  4. Don't forget about it, about who gave you the bad services - get your lesson. 
  5. LAUGH about it. Life is about being happy - don't let a bad look ruin your days. It doesn't matter. 
  6. Remember that you're beautiful whatever you look like. A beautiful smile is worth much more than a bad haircut. Plus, it does not change the person you are. 
Moreover, has something like this happened to you before? How did you cope with it?

Why confessing is better than keeping it inside

Hello guys,

Have you ever been a situation where you were in love with someone and you didn't want to tell them by fear of rejection? Or because you wanted to respect the famous principle of "If he liked me, he would tell me"? Because I have been, and I have decided to gain a new perspective on it. 

True story from friend

My friend has been in this kind of situation for a while now, but with a guy she met in college. She's been having feelings for him for a while, and he has been too. However, when they met, they both were in a relationship. In the summer, my friend's boyfriend went back to his hometown. The guy (let's call him... Jason) had been dumped by his girlfriend - and by the way she was a control freak. And they ended up getting very close to each other, to the point where they fell in love.

After summer, the spark wasn't in my friend's couple anymore and he broke up with her. She was most hopeful to start a relationship with Jason. However, it did not go the way she wanted to - the guy in question ran away after she was single again. Why do guys do that? Seriously? Scared of their own feelings.

Anyhow, he got back with his ex (what the hell?) and she knows she loves him. And he went to visit her a couple of times (he deliberately cheated on his girlfriend), and told her how he was thinking of her and wanted to talk to her, but was with his girlfriend and was incapable of leaving that situation. Guys will always surprise me.

So my friend took her courage and she gave him a message stating her emotions and how she liked him and will always wonder "what if". Jason replied with the cheapest answer: "I'm sorry, it's just not the right thing at the right time. I will also always wonder what if". He still texts her every now and then. But my friend felt better knowing that she told him the truth, and that she knows that it is HIM who is the problem, not her lack of trying.

That gets me to the point : confessing is better than ignoring - she felt way better after than before where she was uncertain of moving on. It was clear after.

Being sincere doesn't equal being weak

You're probably scared of coming clean to someone because of how you'll look. In the occidental society we live now, confidence and strength are welcomed straits. We despite the ones that are weak, that need help, that cry. When you hear people gossiping, you rarely hear "Well did you hear what happened to X? She got accepted in Grad school at MIT!", normal people don't like to chitchat about others' happiness. They are most often jealous of it and they rejoice when others are weakened, hence why you'll probably hear most often things such as "Did you hear what happened to X? Her boyfriend broke up with her!" "Is she sad?" "Yeah! She was so attached and all". Most people will be happy to know someone broke your heart. They'll know you're weak, and they are stronger than you.

How can you prove them wrong when something as such happens to you? Don't hide it, just admit it sincerely "Yeah... He didn't want me, really breaks my heart, I really liked him, but it's life." Don't go saying "Yeah, but it's fine I don't need it." Don't try to be modest, what's the point? You feel that way, then say you feel that way. That's all. People who doesn't do that are weak, because when they get home, they'll be the first one crying in their bed. When you admit it deliberately like that, well your heart and mind syncs and they know you accept it. So much easier to move on.

Finally, I finish by saying that truth is better than lies. Sincerity is better than modesty. Don't try to protect your ego, because those are false values. You build a fake wall of protection around you and it makes it harder for you to be your own self. It keeps you from building great relationships with others. Don't protect yourself from everything, instead just be yourself and say what you have to say. Say what's on your heart. The moment you don't, a conflict appears between your heart and mind, and will grow until you admit it. And these can come out at the wrong moment, hence why you see some people going mad going literally crazy. They hold a grudge in their heart and when a brick in the wall falls, everything slips.

By the way, I do love Pink Floyd and The Wall. But I wasn't trying to make allusion to that, but thinking about it, that's pretty much what it is about! A wall will ruin your life my friend! In a society like today where you can say what you want to say and you are free, you don't need to build a wall. Live free, live today, and live every day. We are all human, and those who doesn't understand that and that will argue with you when you say your mind, are those that live behind a wall, built by societal thoughts and by lies.

Anyway, thanks for reading me! I hope I helped to clear your mind a bit. I hope your days are filled with truthfulness and joy. You deserve it! If you understand, you are amazing, that's all. Enjoy your life! You only have one. Enjoy the moments, they only come once. Enjoy every day, not everyone gets the opportunity to have freedom like you have.
